Explore the CompTIA Spark curriculum for middle grades

Expand your students’ horizons with tech curriculum inspired by the real-world and the latest in technology.

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Choose the tech curriculum that works best for your classroom

Explore our two curriculum options:




Tech Exploration Units

Following a growth mindset approach, engaging tech lessons include projects that simulate a collaborative workplace setting — perfect for cultivating 21st century skills.


    Emerging Tech Units

    Slightly more advanced activities focus on today’s most relevant and cutting-edge tech topics, including artificial intelligence, the latest in cybersecurity and more.

    Tech Exploration Units

    These units follow a growth mindset approach and include a range of engaging and collaborative activities that simulate a dynamic workplace setting — perfect for cultivating 21st century skills. Lessons cover a variety of tech topics that build foundational skills, confidence and comfort with common online applications.

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    “I would absolutely recommend this to a teacher that is not very tech savvy and is overwhelmed. This would be a fabulous tool to get them started! For someone who is more tech savvy I can see this as a great lesson to take and springboard into more complex tasks.  

    I liked the fact that it's a complete package. The tutorials are there, student materials are nice, teacher directions are nicely done. It's ready to go!”

    —Educator, Salisbury, MD