FREE technology curriculum for middle grade classrooms


Closing the tech education gap

Digital fluency has become as important to future success as reading, writing and math. But too often, students are falling behind before they even reach high school. CompTIA Spark is a nonprofit organization on a mission to close this critical education gap. Learn more about us.


When we brought this to our teachers, they were so thankful... I want every educator to see what this can do for our kids.
-Dr. Tina Garrett, Principal, STEM School


News Coverage

Library hosts program to engage ‘girlz’ in tech

Wednesday Journal of Oak Park and River Forest / OAK PARK, Ill. – (article excerpt) The Oak Park Public Library will be hosting a TechGirlz workshop event for girls who want to learn how to build robots. 

As part of the workshop, participating girls will learn how to program Edison, a LEGO compatible robot, using EdScratch to navigate obstacles through a maze, said Amy Hofmockel, creative technology librarian at OPPL, adding that robot-centered programs are popular.  

TechGirlz is run by CompTIA Spark, a nonprofit and social extension of CompTIA — a nonprofit trade association that offers technology industry certifications — that works to directly fund and provide program support through content and curriculum for students to gain knowledge into the world of technology.  


Read the full article  by Amaris E. Rodriguez 





Learn more about our TechGirlz workshops 

Read the press release