FREE technology curriculum for middle grade classrooms


Closing the tech education gap

Digital fluency has become as important to future success as reading, writing and math. But too often, students are falling behind before they even reach high school. CompTIA Spark is a nonprofit organization on a mission to close this critical education gap. Learn more about us.


When we brought this to our teachers, they were so thankful... I want every educator to see what this can do for our kids.
-Dr. Tina Garrett, Principal, STEM School


News Coverage

JCPS students lead in national STEM advocacy

The Johnston County Report / JOHNSTON COUNTY, N.C. – (article excerpt) Kaitlyn Nolte and Sloan Mann, both Johnston County Public School students, were recently selected to lead in two national programs promoting advocacy in science, technology, engineering and math. 

Nolte, an 11th grader at West Johnston High School, and Mann, a 10th grader at Clayton High School, were both selected to the TechGirlz Teen Advisory Board. TechGirlz inspires middle school girls to explore the possibilities of technology — giving them new skills, empowering them to solve real-world challenges and opening their minds to new opportunities. Both Nolte and Mann are middle school alumni of the international program. 

Read the full article by Shannon Mann 





Learn more about our TechGirlz workshops